This troubadour has become a top notch performer in the punk scene in the past couple of years. Danny used to be a part of a band called Ratpack 10 years ago, but becoming a mother took her away from the stages for many years. She made her comeback a few years ago, and after that she has spent almost every weekend on gigs. She has also made some recordings and her first solo album will be released by Hiljaiset Levyt and Jukka Junttila in the near future.
Danny is known for her raspy voice, the height of little bit over 150cm, tough attitude and huge amount of song in her gigs. She plays 70’s punk, 90-00’s punk as well as Finnish/Swedish punk in their own sets. The Adverts legend TV Smith has played with Danny a couple of times and has said that in England she would already be a star. Same kind of comments have been heard from the British troubadour Louise Distras.